Monday, May 2, 2011

no she cannot

i didn't give birth to a 5 year old latin helen keller. that is why rozzy won't be learning spanish, sign language, or how to read anytime soon. when rozzy was only 2 months old a girl on one of my baby message boards said that her baby seemed really interested during meal times, so she thought it was time to introduce solids. i told her that rozzy watched me with interest as I shit and showered, but that I hadn't sat her on the toilet or purchased a loofah for her quite yet. there is a big movement in our society to make kids grow up faster than they have to. my goal for rozzy is to somehow, between me and tj smothering her with kisses, meet all developmental milestones in her own time. in the meantime, she is free to just act like a big baby. and, if your kid can speak a foreign language and use sign language that is great - really. but you may not want me to babysit because me no habla espanol and i only know one thing to say using my finger - and that's only when i'm driving.


  1. I'm starting language training in utero. I will be completely depressed if my child does not know Mandarin, English and Farsi by the time it is born. Babies these days are so behind...

  2. lmao! <3 it lars

  3. And she will!!! I too disbelieve all the crap I have read about all of this. My little girl will start the Pre K program early because she watched Baby Einstein!!!

  4. Jenna, the fact that you said "Farsi" alone means your child will be gifted.

  5. Blahh haha. You, as well as Texts From Last Night, should post stuff more often. My days would be much more entertaining with more of these.

    With my sailor mouth I can only image the things my child is learning while in utero. I will not be upset if any of her first words are inappropriate.

  6. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! I flippin love it! Big smiles!!

  7. I'm not sure what it means in sign language but Brayden punches himself in the face daily. I find that to be advanced development.
