Thursday, February 7, 2013

sometime TODAY please

so i have been very excited about taking the girls downtown chicago friday morning for the live broadcast of the today show. i would like to get my face on national television before i die and i figure these two cute babies of mine are just what i need to catapult me into the spotlight. earlier this year, tj and i built a shitshack igloo with our friends and got it featured on the 11:00 news. (we know someone who knows someone that is banging the weather chick.) that 15 second clip was all i needed to catch the bug - now i'm dreaming big... like, today show big.

other than the igloo debacle, i've only been questioned by a news reporter one other time. nathan howard from wdtn came up to me outside of krogers to ask me what i thought about "this crazy warm weather." by "crazy warm weather" he was referring to the 60 degree march day that we randomly get in ohio every single year, and every single year people talk about it like jesus himself has blown hot air onto the chosen people of the miami valley. then they all update their facebook statusus about it... but i digress. anyways - the reason my answer never appeared on the noon report was because either: a) i asked him if i needed to have a bra on to be on tv or, b) my nipples were poking out of my shirt. (60 degrees is warm, but it's not that warm.)

i have been on the radio a few times when i worked at the car dealerships in high school and college. Those places are swarming with radio dj's on the weekends who give away concert tickets and other freebies to lure the public to the salesmen. i never could understand how people could show up for an umbrella and leave with a damn F1-50. every once in a while they would ask me to make the on-air plea with the public and i obliged every single time. nothing warmed my heart like begging the good folks of our community to come get a free nickleback cd and then watch them walk away with a 72 month lease on an '02 mercury sable. "oh that doesn't happen!" you might say. yes it does. ask my husband.

but, back to the today show: we have all of our supplies ready to go to make the oh-so-necessary sign. everyone who gets good air time in the crowd always has a good sign and i've come up with a great one. between that and that cute babies, i'm for sure going to get my 15 seconds of national fame. what does my sign say? well, you'll have to wait and see. for those of you that actually have a life, i will be sure to update with pictures and a crappy quality video of me taping my dvr playback.

**spoiler alert** just look for the crazy screaming lady and her two children with the sign offering al roker a diaper.

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