Tuesday, August 16, 2011

sweet revenge

i'm at costco last night and i see a couple with one of those flat-bed shopping carts. placed on top of it is eight 50lb. bags of baking flour. i was very curious as to why someone would need 400lbs. of flour. i was intrigued, but moved on to my 250lb. tub of cottage cheese that was next on my list. after paying, i go out to load my car and whatdaya know... i'm parked right next to the lady who emptied costco of flour. her minivan was wrapped in crazy advertising for "deb's crown bakery." aha. it made sense now. who else would need that much flour except for a baker? duh. for a second we locked eyes, so me being mrs. social chatter-box said through a friendly giggle "ya know, i noticed you guys and all that flour while i was inside and i was wondering to myself what in the world you'd be doing with all that flour... now it makes sense. ha! then deb of deb's crown bakery just stared at me. i had just started to hear crickets when deb's husband flipped his mullet around and stared at me as well. no smile, no response, no screw you... nothin'. they appeared to be so bothered by me speaking to them. then they both went back to loading their van, apparently allergic to some friendly banter. i got into my car. i didn't have the baby with me so i spent the next 15 seconds contemplating getting back out of my vehicle and kicking that woman's ass. i'd for sure punch her husband's mullet just to say i punched a mullet. but i didn't. i just got in my car and drove home. and now I'm typing this blog. the moral of the story: if you live in a 50 mile radius of the chicago-land area and need a cake be forewarned:
deb of deb's crown bakery and her husband are assholes.

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